I wasn’t sure where to post this but figured I’d start here.
A while back I posted about a Colchester triumph for sale in NS. I went to look at it and probably against the advise of more knowledgeable folks, I ended up buying it. The owner had converted it to a single phase motor. The lathe had come of of a machine shop in the valley in NS. The gentleman I bought it from has been buying and selling machines longer than I’ve been alive, and had it about 5 years, so I went for it. the lathe worked well in his shop, we ran through all the gears, and everything worked well. It came with a 3j chuck, 4J chuck, collet chuck, steady rest and follow rest. He also threw in some odds and edds.
I didn’t take any photos of the move , but it was definitely some work for the 2 of us. The owner has moved a machine or 2 in the past and was well set up to get it out of his shop and onto the trailer. It was definitely a lot harder when I got home, thank goodness for a tractor.
Unfortunately, when I got around to trying the lathe at home, nothing, it won’t start. Ive been talking with the gentleman I bought it from, and he had me try a few things, but nothing worked. Yesterday he made the trip up to my place, about a 4 hr drive, and helped me trouble shoot the lathe. It seems like something happened to the coil. We have power, the motor will run when tested, but it won’t start.
I’ve been looking online, but I’m not having any luck googling Colchester lathe coil. When I search using the part number off the part I get very different results what I’m after? Does anyone have any suggestions on where to look? I’ll add a few pictures of what I’m after.
I’m not sure if I’ve used the right terms to describe stuff, I’m still learning about electrical.