Well, after living in this province for 30 years....... Saskatchewan has better lakes, better fishing, more relaxed bylaws. In Saskatchewan they groom snowmobile trails alongside the highways and encourage use of them in winters. Here..... I got to deal with trigger happy sheriffs....
They have more curling rinks per capita than anywhere in Canada. Everyone knows how to curl, and cross country ski. Okay, downhill skiing, you got me. A village of 200 people more likely than not has a sheet of ice
They have a healthy attitude towards firearms, hunting, conservation. It is encouraged, and supported, not looked down on.
Since you started this rant......
Saskatchewan has (had) cheaper housing, better perogies, and more antique equipment opportunities x 50 than than Alberta. The province isn't largely owned by a handful of wealthy mega families who all own 100 sections of land who hoard all the wealth (IMHO).
But, alas, they didn't have the one thing I needed back then, JOBS! Tough place to scratch out a living.
And so, I live as a lake starved, fishing deprived metal hoarding, affluent-oil-based-economy-spending-beyond-my-means-society-hating shadow of former myself.
But home is where your lathe is..... relocation is always an option, retirement is coming!
Go Riders.