So, I bought a Rotary Phase Converter Panel (chickened out on building one, just buy one and get it over with), bought a used motor from Tom K.
Wired it in myself, start up the idler motor - OK that works, now try the lathe - could hear contactors engaging but no spindle. Checked my wiring over and over, re-read instructions, took covers off looking for "something", paced around, "Oh jeez, maybe I'll have to call an electrician". Paced around some more, looked behind covers some more. Opened the headstock door, where the change gears are, looking for I dunno what. "Door open safety switch", put my hand on it, it moves about 1/8", "that couldn't be it could it ?. Push the switch 1/8" closer to closed door, tighten 2 screws and we're in business.
I had had that door open / closed maybe 20 times looking at stuff, changing gearbox oil, maybe it was me or maybe the truck ride to get it here but it sure was nice to find a simple / cheap solution.
Wired it in myself, start up the idler motor - OK that works, now try the lathe - could hear contactors engaging but no spindle. Checked my wiring over and over, re-read instructions, took covers off looking for "something", paced around, "Oh jeez, maybe I'll have to call an electrician". Paced around some more, looked behind covers some more. Opened the headstock door, where the change gears are, looking for I dunno what. "Door open safety switch", put my hand on it, it moves about 1/8", "that couldn't be it could it ?. Push the switch 1/8" closer to closed door, tighten 2 screws and we're in business.
I had had that door open / closed maybe 20 times looking at stuff, changing gearbox oil, maybe it was me or maybe the truck ride to get it here but it sure was nice to find a simple / cheap solution.