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Calgary Storm Damage Report


Premium Member
NE Calgary

West side house vinyl siding shot full of holes. Will need to be replaced.
West side of travel trailer trashed. Looks like someone took a hammer to it.
Trailer propane cover trashed. Will need to be replaced
Trailer bomb proof roof vent outer cover trashed along with the inner cover. Will need to be replaced.
Yard security light solar panel smashed. Don't know if it still works or not.
Both vehicles hail damaged AGAIN.

So much water pooled up against the house it came within 1/2" of flooding through a basement window. It didn't thank god.

How did the rest of you make out?

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Wow, sorry to here that Craig. I was just going to post and ask how everyone made out, out there.
Holy Smokes!

I will have to check on my brothers - that is crazy!! Didn’t know you guys got pounded.

hope all the people are ok! Sorry to hear about your damage Craig
So sorry to hear this Craig. It's usually us NW guys who get slammed with hail. Last year we had to replace a bunch of siding too after a storm. Check the reviews of repair guys; we had a bad experience with the company we used.
Sorry guys for your damage. Hail storms and flooding damage is so discouraging and hard to take. Ive had two big ones myself ( but neither as bad as yours last night) and you can still see the effects of the damage around my house and yard from 10 years ago. As horrible as it all is, all I have to do is read some news and then I don't feel so bad about my situation.
Hang in there folks.
Lot's of images to be googled if you OOT guys are curious.

Luck of the draw I guess. The last big one trashed Airdrie but missed Calgary. Well.... it missed NE Calgary for the most part that is.
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By Nose hill we got a lot of pea sized and quarter sized hail. Not quite enough to mess up the siding (thank goodness)
2004 I got wiped out in Langdon. The hail took out siding, man-doors, all 3 vehicles, camper......

Had an adjuster look at it after 4 days and there was still ice under the shingles.

75K is cost to replace all damage......

Now that I live south by 6 miles the clouds turn directly over us before hammering Langdon (which got it again yesterday ). Funny how such a small change in location.

Sorry to hear about that Craig , colossal waste of time coming your way

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So much water pooled up against the house it came within 1/2" of flooding through a basement window. It didn't thank god.

Been there...it's no fun. Now that you know this can happen Craig, pick up one of these little utility pumps for around the house, such as dewatering around windows and window wells. They go on sale quite often and are a lifesaver in these downpours. Just attach to a garden hose and you can save an entire basement. Ask me how I know, or why this is my collection of pumps now:

Sorry to hear that Craig that's terrible. We have a pump under the basement floor - it does run every few years. I think I should go check it right now...
I’ve lived in Doverglen since 1982 and have never been able to put in a claim. I have to wonder if it is because of the uplifting airflow caused by the surrounding embankment on Deerfoot The birds love it!
Been there...it's no fun. Now that you know this can happen Craig, pick up one of these little utility pumps for around the house, such as dewatering around windows and window wells. They go on sale quite often and are a lifesaver in these downpours. Just attach to a garden hose and you can save an entire basement. Ask me how I know, or why this is my collection of pumps now:

Are those things what they call sump pumps? You won't zap yourself attempting to plug them in when you're soaking wet? Would those conditions not simply trip the receptacle GFCI?

I was this close to running the garden hose to the street and attempting to start a siphon. Once the hail stopped the wife and I were out with snow shovels trying to scoop water any where it would drain away. Been in this house since 1985 and have never experienced anything like this before.

The green is a sump pump; it has a float on the side of it that turns the pump on when the water reaches a specific height and off when it falls down again. They are used under basement slabs that flood in low lying areas.

What is more useful in your case is a utility pump like below. They are submersible, safe, and every house should have one that attaches to a garden hose for emergencies like you encountered. Plug them into a ground fault circuit for extra safety.

A trick for window wells or low areas that are muddy or have lots of debris is to get a plastic 5 gallon pail and punch holes in the bottom. Place the pump in the pail, and the pail in the window well. The pail keeps dirt and rocks from entering the pump and clogging it. But most pumps have a screen filter these days anyways.

It's a good investment Craig. They are safe...you won't zap yourself. The motor is above the waterline and sealed.

For some crazy video see this:

All I got to say OMG.

No damage so far either at my house which is well covered by trees nor my parents. I was home and called mom to tell her hail about 3cm in size is going hard. She told me nothing here, just rain... about 10 seconds later I hear a scream she hung up. I drove my truck into my front yard to get under tree cover.

Sorry for the damage, I also live in NE but got lucky, Forest Heights and my parents are in Marlborough Park.
Craig, sorry to hear about the damage. We got hit about 5 years ago. Fortunately no vehicle damage.
I got everything but the truck box into the garage.

If theres anything you need help with let me know.

Glad to hear that you are all right.

I know it’s pain in the butt and cost $$s, but all material things are replaceable.

On sale for $40 tomorrow if anyone needs one. I'm booting it over there first thing tomorrow. Was shoveling water again last night. What's with these storms we are having this year? An hour+ of sheets of rain. I extended the down spouts 5' today.
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