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Boring Times in the shop


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About a decade ago I purchased some BXA tool holders for my QCTP from a friend who was trading his lathe and didn't want to give away his tool holders. . Among them was a holder for a one inch boring bar. I didn't have a 1 inch boring bar and it's been gathering dust since. So my recent project was to build one. Also built some stubby ones for my boring head. One with a reinforcing block that anchors in two of the holes in the boring head.
Ahh.... So that's what you needed the Jax for:)
YES. I was not pleased with the finish on the 1 inch bar. My bottle of JAX is getting contaminated from reuse. I guess I should be discarding it after every use. If I get some new I'll sand of the old and do it over.
YES. I was not pleased with the finish on the 1 inch bar. My bottle of JAX is getting contaminated from reuse. I guess I should be discarding it after every use. If I get some new I'll sand of the old and do it over.
Most bluing/blackening solutions don’t like being contaminated and specifically state this (surprised that JAX instructions don’t mention this). I always pour a little of the solution into a small cup, use it out of the cup and discard whatever is left when the work is done.
Also built some stubby ones for my boring head. One with a reinforcing block that anchors in two of the holes in the boring head.

This is almost EXACTLY what I'm looking for. I say "almost" because I'd prefer WNMG Trigon or APKT inserts. I really hate those brazed carbide bars that come with boring bar heads.

So what you are suggesting is to modify a boring bar to fit instead of buying a ready made bar? If so, can you provide more details? I'm looking to copy your ideas and avoid any problems you encountered. "Continuous improvement" on a hobby scale if you will.
This is almost EXACTLY what I'm looking for. I say "almost" because I'd prefer WNMG Trigon or APKT inserts. I really hate those brazed carbide bars that come with boring bar heads.

So what you are suggesting is to modify a boring bar to fit instead of buying a ready made bar? If so, can you provide more details? I'm looking to copy your ideas and avoid any problems you encountered. "Continuous improvement" on a hobby scale if you will.
No commercial parts involved. I started with some cold rolled steel and machined the end to 1/2 the thickness and rotated it in the vise to get the flat portion parallel to the mill table. The pocket was milled with a 1/8 inch end mill. I set the angles by rotating the milling vise. For the bars that go in the Boring head I rotated the vise 30 degrees one way and the 30 the opposite. For the boring bar I used 25 and 35 degrees to create some nose clearance. If I were to do it again I would use 25 and 35 for all of them. The reinforcing block has a dowel pin in the center hole of the boring head. Cutting the pockets for trigon inserts might be a bigger challenge. CHEERS!
No commercial parts involved.

Wow! You made them from scratch! I'm impressed! I don't think I have the courage to try that..... On the other hand, it might be fun. A great winter project if ever there was one!