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Atlas 618 Lathe, Accessories and Bench for Sale


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I get these monthly AMEN emails so hope Harold doesn't mind me re-posting this one. I have modified the contact email symbols so it doesn't get seen my roaming web crawlers.

To the AMEN Group here is an additional message that just came in.
Message from KEN RAYNER
Subject: Atlas 618 Lathe, Accessories and Bench for Sale
“Atlas 618 Lathe, Accessories and Bench for Sale.
Very nice. NOT a project. Includes change gears, OEM wrenches, rests, lantern-style tool holders and more.
Mounted on a painted, well-built 28"W x 48"L cabinet w/ drawers and leveling feet.
Photos and more information on request.”
If interested please contact Ken at

That was everything in the ad. Email him I guess.
Photos and more information on request.”