I havent been doing much metal working worth posting lately, figured this was worth a post
After finally getting my print nc up and running, and having a few projects (wood) under my belt, i figured it was worth giving it a go cutting out a dash (aluminum) for the little single seat airplane ive been working on. I took some dimensions of the existing, instruments, etc and drew up something in fusion.....Now i didnt just hop into cutting the dash out of the limited supply of aluminum sheet i had, cut a foamboard test piece to see how i liked it....looks good!
Ok time for the aluminum, selected a 1f 2mm cutter, 24k rpm and 1000mm/min (100%), tape/glued the stock down and away i went........first problem....i never actually milled the wasteboard in situ, and now that im cutting 1/16 material its a problem, 1/4 the way though....1 cutter bites the dust
second shot, 2f 2mm cutter, 24k, 75% speed, offset the cutter to make up for the high spot....oh well ill just take a couple runs at it.........1/2 way through (half depth) 2nd cutter bites the dust
third times a charm right, try a 1f 2mm again, 24k, 65%, made it the whole program at half depth....except the last 1/8 of the program, that didnt cut at all due to the wasteboard issue
this goes on, i slowly cheat the depth down, getting further and further through......2 more cutters down, ok somethings up, i take a better look at the snapped off bit....plugged up
last go, 1f 2mm cutter 24k 80%, zereod the top waste board as top of material....waste board needs to be cleaned up anyhow.......this time.....wd40, lots of it
Success! only 4 cutters LOL, now i know, must used lubricant, oh well 2mm cutters are cheap and this is 100x better than i would have been able to cut out by hand

Still to be done is the bend just below the wooden sill, and match drill the mounting holes with the original and trace/cut out the curvature to match the cowling
original dash....replacing the tach, swapping the fuel gauge for a sight guage, adding a hobbs meter and running all of the engine instruments through an esp32 w/3.5" display, that will clear up some room for the ipad

After finally getting my print nc up and running, and having a few projects (wood) under my belt, i figured it was worth giving it a go cutting out a dash (aluminum) for the little single seat airplane ive been working on. I took some dimensions of the existing, instruments, etc and drew up something in fusion.....Now i didnt just hop into cutting the dash out of the limited supply of aluminum sheet i had, cut a foamboard test piece to see how i liked it....looks good!
Ok time for the aluminum, selected a 1f 2mm cutter, 24k rpm and 1000mm/min (100%), tape/glued the stock down and away i went........first problem....i never actually milled the wasteboard in situ, and now that im cutting 1/16 material its a problem, 1/4 the way though....1 cutter bites the dust
second shot, 2f 2mm cutter, 24k, 75% speed, offset the cutter to make up for the high spot....oh well ill just take a couple runs at it.........1/2 way through (half depth) 2nd cutter bites the dust
third times a charm right, try a 1f 2mm again, 24k, 65%, made it the whole program at half depth....except the last 1/8 of the program, that didnt cut at all due to the wasteboard issue
this goes on, i slowly cheat the depth down, getting further and further through......2 more cutters down, ok somethings up, i take a better look at the snapped off bit....plugged up
last go, 1f 2mm cutter 24k 80%, zereod the top waste board as top of material....waste board needs to be cleaned up anyhow.......this time.....wd40, lots of it
Success! only 4 cutters LOL, now i know, must used lubricant, oh well 2mm cutters are cheap and this is 100x better than i would have been able to cut out by hand

Still to be done is the bend just below the wooden sill, and match drill the mounting holes with the original and trace/cut out the curvature to match the cowling
original dash....replacing the tach, swapping the fuel gauge for a sight guage, adding a hobbs meter and running all of the engine instruments through an esp32 w/3.5" display, that will clear up some room for the ipad