Ultra Member
I walked into the laundry room yesterday. All of a sudden there was a big bang and a
flash of blue light and I couldn't see for a few seconds.
There was a black mark on the wall and the floor in front of the washing machine.
I pulled the trim off the wall and I could see the end of some wires glowing and sparking.
I ran to the basement and shut off the main breaker. I pulled the offending wire out of
the wall with a pair of needle nose pliers and separated the ends, it was 14/2.
One of the breakers was for electric heat in the laundry room, I shut that one off and
turned the main back on. I tested the wire with my meter and it had no power. It looks like
there was an electric heater there and some one removed it and cut the wire off and taped
up it with black tape pushed it into the wall and put a piece of trim over it. I'm sure glad it
happened while I was at home and during the day.
I cleaned the black stain off the wall and floor before I took the picture.
flash of blue light and I couldn't see for a few seconds.
There was a black mark on the wall and the floor in front of the washing machine.
I pulled the trim off the wall and I could see the end of some wires glowing and sparking.
I ran to the basement and shut off the main breaker. I pulled the offending wire out of
the wall with a pair of needle nose pliers and separated the ends, it was 14/2.
One of the breakers was for electric heat in the laundry room, I shut that one off and
turned the main back on. I tested the wire with my meter and it had no power. It looks like
there was an electric heater there and some one removed it and cut the wire off and taped
up it with black tape pushed it into the wall and put a piece of trim over it. I'm sure glad it
happened while I was at home and during the day.
I cleaned the black stain off the wall and floor before I took the picture.