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9' Menziken Junior

I think it is a good quality machine. If it is like the M200 or M220 (and it may not be), it would have pressure lubricated plain spindle bearings. That makes the spindle super rigid and smooth. It is of conventional bed design.

The one we were talking about here https://canadianhobbymetalworkers.c...ng-and-making-gear-cutters-from-scratch.2868/ is the big brother, the Menziken M220. Heavier than the Junior, and more versatile (with the corresponding attachments like hydraulic copying and form relieving). It also has a very unique lathe bed/way system: the front has a V, located about halfway down the side of the bed casting, plus a flat way on top. The rear way is a sloped flat way with a V.

Here is a cross sectional drawing of the Menziken M220 bed:

That’s good point.

I guess if you are entrusted with running such a high precision machine, you are expected to take good care of it.
Lathe looks quite worn out. For $8000 it is not even close to a good deal - its a terrible deal. I mean we had pristine 10EE sell for just 11k in Calgary, a similar shape machine sold for $2500 (a bit shorter). I think at most $3000 would be a fair price for that machine if inspected and found all good. Maybe a bit more if lots of tooling is included.
Hard to value the machine without seeing and trying it out. Things are always worth more to the seller than what the actual value could be.
@Tom Kitta : I totally agree - that lathe looks like crap - excellent condition....WHAT - I wonder what scrap looks in that case. I can post you a lot better lathes for 1/3 that price. Remember as well, precision is only part of the machine itself. The operator (especially on a hand use machine) makes or breaks the cut. My lathe is spinning 0.000 as near as I can tell and I can still machine stuff so far off tolerance it isn't funny - dang machine! LOL
Also we need to remember a machine that was precise when new may not be after 40 years of abuse. Swiss stuff is still made of the same stuff anything else is made of - it wears out as well. Sure it is hardened well etc. but not indestructible.

You need to be very good machinist to turn stuff sub 1 thou accuracy consistently - i.e. not with sand paper but with just turning and bang you are say +- 3 tenths. I did two back plates recently on junk lathe for my good lathe and they are -+ 5 tenths. Over 40 year old Bison chuck mounted on one is within +-1.5 thou at 6 inches out. Both times I used sanding to get the close tolerance.
The operator (especially on a hand use machine) makes or breaks the cut. My lathe is spinning 0.000 as near as I can tell and I can still machine stuff so far off tolerance it isn't funny - dang machine! LOL
This is my problem too. My 1975 SB lathe is well within spec and my parts are still crap. I'm looking into a warranty replacement dang it! :p
Wrong Tom but I will once this COVID thing is done I haven’t seen Mom or my Brother for a few years now.
I have a friend with the next size Menziken. While it looks like a L series spindle mount, it is a different taper and a left hand thread. Chuck adapters appear to be unavailable.