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Ultra Member
Premium Member
I've heard a number of you guys talking about project #42.

Are you referring to, "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42".
In, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
I first saw the reference used by @jcdammeyer and wondered the same thing. Here is what he said:

And again a bit later on here:

Given the history, I think we can safely say that @jcdammeyer is the guy who got the rest of us going.

My projects are all 42a through 42zzzz
Too keep the mystery alive Douglas Adams states he just picked it randomly.
I for one don't believe that.
If A=1, B=2, C=3 ... Z=26 then
M+A+T+H = 42 = (13+1+20+8).
And fascinating as the above article was, it still refers to all sorts of math when analyzing the number 42.

And in keeping with that concept, there seem to be an infinite number of explainations about the number 42 which clearly describes the number of unfinished projects I have on the go.
I've never read that book so I really don't understand why 42? For me the magic number was always 1.618 and multiples of it so the number of unfinished projects on my list is 1,618!!!