1) The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service", "Forum") are not responsible for any user-generated content ("content", "posts", "threads", "plans", "guides", "how-to", "tutorials") and accounts ("member", "user", "author", "Submitter"). Content submitted express the views of their author only.
2) The providers assume no liability, wholly or in part, for injury or damage as a result of plan, guide, how-to, or tutorial usage. This is applicable to both members and non-members alike.
3) The Submitter of plans acknowledge that posting of any plans constitutes a public disclosure by the Submitter themself, and by posting the Submitter acknowledges that the Forum is not to be deemed having made a public disclosure of the Submitter's plan(s) for the purposes of any patent, trademark, or other legal dispute.
4) The Submitter acknowledges that they are the owner of the intellectual property contained within the plan(s) posted.
5) "Posting" is inclusive of a draft post, whether saved electronically by the Forum software or purposely saved on the Forum by the Submitter.
6) Items 2 to 5 inclusive apply to any plans posted by the Submitter, as well as any edits or modifications made by others in response to the posted plans, such as replies to the post, or subsequent comments that appear in other threads or parts of the Forum relating to the post.
7) This Service is only available to users who are at least 13 years old. If you are younger than this, please do not register for this Service. If you register for this Service, you represent that you are this age or older.
8) All content you submit, upload, or otherwise make available to the Service may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.
9) You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that content or your conduct.
10) You agree that you will treat everyone with respect. You agree not to harass or bully others with your opinions or to disparage their opinions. The goal here is to help others, and to get help for your own metal working problems. Chest-thumping is frowned upon.
11) You agree to respect the privacy of others and to abide by the privacy laws of Canada. In particular, you may not provide personal identification or contact information about other members to anyone without their consent. Doxxing is a form of privacy invasion that will not be tolerated.
12) You agree not to discuss politics and/or to debate or present the merits of any government or public policy topics not related to machining that may be considered controversial, inflammatory, divisive, or derogatory of the views of other members. Any mention will be deleted without comment or warning. Individual comments and/or threads may be locked or deleted if they meet the criteria of this rule. Multiple violations of this rule may result in a temporary or permanent ban.
13) We may remove or modify any Content submitted at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.
14) You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service.
15) These terms may be changed at any time without notice.
16) If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use the Service. Use of the Service constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.